1. Setting the record of the fastest New Generation VAG Golf 6R 4-Cylinder 4WD in South Africa over the 400m, 800m & Kilo, with the following outcomes:
# 400m on 10.368sec @ exit speed of 215km/h;
# 800m @ exit speed of 257.69km/h;
# Kilometer @ a whopping 271.69km/h
2. First Stage 2 Hybrid GTi 7, pushing out 460hp with a stock engine and full family and daily vehicle, running a 247km/h on the kilo @ a 11.9sec.
3. First FWD VW Clubsport in South Africa to run a 11.96sec @ exit off 192km/h on the 400m, making it at that stage in Februarie 2019, the fastest VW Clubsport...
Lethal Motorsport aims to always work and perform to give our customers the achievements that they are expecting and even more if possible.
Achievements never comes in a lightning bolt of inspiration, it comes after countless hours of toil, efforts and failures... then after not giving up MAYBE then a lightning bolt of inspiration will hit you...
We always aim to reach our achievements and that is why we say"CHAMPIONS KEEP PLAYING UNTIL THEY GET IT RIGHT." - Billie Jean King